Bradley Hills Presbyterian
The Sanctuary organ was built by the Holtkamp Organ Company of Cleveland, Ohio, and dedicated on February 4, 1973. The organ design was by Walter Holtkamp, in consultation with Donald S. Sutherland, then director of music at Bradley Hills.
The Bradley Hills Holtkamp organ and the marvelous acoustics of the Sanctuary are wonderful complements. Many distinguished organists have performed on the Bradley Hills instrument, including Marie-Claire Alain, William Albright, Vernon de Tar, Calvin Hampton, André Marchal, Albert Russell, John Scott, Larry Smith, Donald Sutherland, and Dame Gillian Weir.
Organ instrument details
At the time of installation the mechanical action instrument consisted of three manuals, 34 stops, and 45 ranks, with electric stop action. The case was fashioned from cherry wood, with keys of plum and rosewood. In 2003 an eight-bell zymbelstern, designed by the Aug. Laukhuff organ company of Weikersheim, Germany, was added to the organ, and in 2006 a Festival Trumpet stop, manufactured by the Schopp company, was mounted on the (liturgical) east wall of the church, above the organ case.
Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church, Bethesda, MD
1971 Holtkamp Organ Co. Opus 1890
16' Pommer
8' Principal
8' Gedackt
4' Octave
4' Spitzflote
2' Super Octave
II Sesquialtera
IV Mixture
8' Trumpet
8' Fanfara
8' Geigen
8' Rohrpfeife
4' Bourdon
2' Principal
1 1/3' Larigot
III Zimbel
16' Dulzian
8' Trumpet
4' Clarion
8' Copula
4' Prestant
4' Rohrflote
2' Doublette
II Cornet
III Scharf
8' Cromorne
8' Fanfara
16' Principal
16' Pommer (Great)
8' Octave
8' Flute
4' Choralbass
IV Rauschbass
16' Posaune
8' Trumpet
8' Fanfara
4' Schalmey
The Bradley Hills Holtkamp organ and the marvelous acoustics of the Sanctuary are wonderful complements. Many distinguished organists have performed on the Bradley Hills instrument, including Marie-Claire Alain, William Albright, Vernon de Tar, Calvin Hampton, André Marchal, Albert Russell, John Scott, Larry Smith, Donald Sutherland, and Dame Gillian Weir.
Organ instrument details
At the time of installation the mechanical action instrument consisted of three manuals, 34 stops, and 45 ranks, with electric stop action. The case was fashioned from cherry wood, with keys of plum and rosewood. In 2003 an eight-bell zymbelstern, designed by the Aug. Laukhuff organ company of Weikersheim, Germany, was added to the organ, and in 2006 a Festival Trumpet stop, manufactured by the Schopp company, was mounted on the (liturgical) east wall of the church, above the organ case.
Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church, Bethesda, MD
1971 Holtkamp Organ Co. Opus 1890
16' Pommer
8' Principal
8' Gedackt
4' Octave
4' Spitzflote
2' Super Octave
II Sesquialtera
IV Mixture
8' Trumpet
8' Fanfara
8' Geigen
8' Rohrpfeife
4' Bourdon
2' Principal
1 1/3' Larigot
III Zimbel
16' Dulzian
8' Trumpet
4' Clarion
8' Copula
4' Prestant
4' Rohrflote
2' Doublette
II Cornet
III Scharf
8' Cromorne
8' Fanfara
16' Principal
16' Pommer (Great)
8' Octave
8' Flute
4' Choralbass
IV Rauschbass
16' Posaune
8' Trumpet
8' Fanfara
4' Schalmey