Mary Beth Bennett conducts improvisation workshop

Composer Mary Beth Bennett, top, conducted a workshop on improvisation for DC chapter members Nov. 16 at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle downtown.
Playing for her were, from left, Shenandoah University student Anna Smith; Andy Moy, who is enrolled in the tri-chapter Potomac Organ Institute; Malou Rogers, recently named music director and organist at Grace Lutheran Church in the District; and Paul Leavitt, director of music and the arts at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation on Capitol Hill. Other chapter members listened and learned. All enjoyed doughnuts and coffee.
The event was hosted by Thomas Stehle, the cathedral’s pastoral associate for liturgy and director of music.
Playing for her were, from left, Shenandoah University student Anna Smith; Andy Moy, who is enrolled in the tri-chapter Potomac Organ Institute; Malou Rogers, recently named music director and organist at Grace Lutheran Church in the District; and Paul Leavitt, director of music and the arts at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation on Capitol Hill. Other chapter members listened and learned. All enjoyed doughnuts and coffee.
The event was hosted by Thomas Stehle, the cathedral’s pastoral associate for liturgy and director of music.
Notre Dame organist leads improvisation masterclass for chapter members
Sean Burns plays 2025 Pipe Spectacular Concert at First Baptist Church

Sean Burns, music director at First Baptist Church in the District, played the 2025 tri-chapter Pipe Spectacular concert on Oct. 13.
The church's Austin organ has five manuals and 229 stops.
The church's Austin organ has five manuals and 229 stops.
Organ crawl at the Kennedy Center's Concert Hall in September 2024

Chapter members gathered Sept. 14, 2024, in the Kennedy Center Concert Hall for a tour of the Rubenstein Family Organ. Technician David Storey gave a brief overview. Then members put on their organ shoes and gave the instrument a workout for three hours.
New officers installed at St. Luke's Catholic Church in McLean in June 2024
From left are Rob Church, treasurer, Justin Connors and Lyn Loewi, members at large; Jon Nothaft, dean, and Trey Wilson, subdean. Their terms start July 1, 2024. Not shown are board members Patrick Walker and Patricia Henry.
2023-24 Potomac Organ Institute recital on April 24, 2024
The four students enrolled in the Potomac Organ Institute (POI) for 2023-24 played a spring recital on the magnificent Pasi Organ Op. 28 at St. George's Episcopal Church in Arlington on April 24. They ranged from a freshman in high school to students with advanced degrees in piano. Four volunteer teachers generously shared their time, mentorship and expertise. POI students and teachers are, from left, Hyejin Hannah Yang, Peter Crisafuli, Nathaniel Abernathy, Dr. Ben Keseley, Caris Schwarz, David Lang, Kristin West and Dr. Donna Kay Whited.
Juneteenth day of workshops and recital--June 2023

Our chapter celebrated Juneteenth with its second annual daylong program, this time at the Franciscan Monastery in Northeast DC.
Todd Fickley (at left with Paul Griffin) led a masterclass highlighting AGO certification skills.
Mike McMahon led a reading session of hymns featuring social justice themes.
Ronald “Trey” Walton gave a lecture on the organ music of black women composers.
A recital by Marvin Mills on the monastery’s Lively-Fulcher organ concluded the program.
Todd Fickley (at left with Paul Griffin) led a masterclass highlighting AGO certification skills.
Mike McMahon led a reading session of hymns featuring social justice themes.
Ronald “Trey” Walton gave a lecture on the organ music of black women composers.
A recital by Marvin Mills on the monastery’s Lively-Fulcher organ concluded the program.
Potomac Organ Institute spring recital in June 2023
Students enrolled in the Potomac Organ Institute played their spring recital June 2 at All Saints Episcopal Church in Chevy Chase. The institute pairs accomplished pianists with organ teachers for a year of free lessons.
The students were, from left, Owen Johnson, Bradley McMullin, Bailey Myers and Sarah Garcia, In the back row are Peter Crisafulli, POI co-coordinator; teachers Dr. Ben Keseley, Dr. David Kelley, Dr. Alain Truche and Clarice Snyder, and POI co-coordinator Carolyn Booth.
The students were, from left, Owen Johnson, Bradley McMullin, Bailey Myers and Sarah Garcia, In the back row are Peter Crisafulli, POI co-coordinator; teachers Dr. Ben Keseley, Dr. David Kelley, Dr. Alain Truche and Clarice Snyder, and POI co-coordinator Carolyn Booth.
Members' recital in March 2023
From left, Alfred Ted Gustin, Ken Lowenberg, Eleanor Timberlake and Storee Denson performed at our chapter's Lenten Meditations members' recital on March 11 at First Baptist Church.

Twelfth Night celebration hosted by Potomac Chapter in January 2023The Potomac Chapter hosted us and the Northern Virginia Chapter for a Twelfth Night celebration at All Saints Episcopal Church in Chevy Chase after a two-year Covid break. Above from left, DC chapter members Irvin Peterson and Karl Robson, Potomac member Dave McCahan and DC member Ken Lowenberg sing in the men's section to rehearse Evensong music. At right, the church's minister of music, Peter Crisafulli, leads the service, which was followed by a reception.
Holiday party with Mexican flavor in December 2022

To celebrate the holiday season, our chapter gathered Dec. 6 at Washington National Cathedral for evensong followed by member time on the organ.
At right, member liaison John Nothaft tries out the instrument.
Afterward members gathered at Cactus Cantina for margaritas and appetizers.
At right, member liaison John Nothaft tries out the instrument.
Afterward members gathered at Cactus Cantina for margaritas and appetizers.
PipeSpectacular October 2022
Joy-Leilani Garbutt, pictured at right showing some young fans the main and gallery organs at National City Christian Church, presented the tri-chapter 2022 PipeSpectacular program Oct. 14 at the church.
The program featured music by female composers. Joy-Leilani is music director at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in San Francisco and a founder of The Boulanger Institute. Janet Yieh, who also was scheduled to perform, was absent due to a family emergency. The program was sponsored by the DC, Potomac and Northern Virginia chapters in partnership with The Boulanger Initiative, which seeks to make the music of women composers more accessible. |
Installation of officers by DC and Potomac chapters, September 2022

The DC and Potomac chapters installed 2022-23 officers at a Sept. 25 program at Church of the Redeemer Episcopal in Bethesda. From left are DC chapter life member Ken Lowenberg, FAGO; DC chapter web administrator and newsletter editor Pat Henry; DC chapter member-at-large Rebecca Yoder; Potomac member Ann Bartlow, CAGO; DC chapter secretary Armand Peterson; DC chapter dean Paul Byssainthe Jr., AAGO; Master of Ceremonies Dr. Eileen Guenther; Potomac chapter dean Brenda Weiser, CAGO; and Potomac chapter members John Widmann, Gerald Piercey, Michael Hart, George Drumwright, Dr. Jeffrey Pannebaker, Clarice Snyder and Potomac subdean Adam Scott Graham.
Juneteenth workshops in June 2022Our chapter’s daylong program June 20 at First Baptist Church
featured workshops plus a recital by Dr. Mickey Thomas Terry. Dr. Jeffrey Smith, far left, offered a master class in conducting from the console. From left, Ronald (Trey) Walton, David Swenson and Alexander Bean took turns accompanying anthems by African-American composers. Other workshops focused on complying with copyright law and incorporating music from global perspectives. Dr. Terry’s recital included pieces by David Hurd, Mark Fax, Robert A. Harris, Mark A. Miller, Tournemire, Franck, Bach and Mozart. National Competition in Organ Accompaniment in January 2022David Heinze, left, won first place in the Jan. 8 National Competition in Organ Accompaniment sponsored by our chapter. Jerrick Cavagnaro, right, won second place.
Other finalists chosen for the live competition were Jordan Prescott, second from left, and Rees Roberts. Heinze is associate director of music at Grace Church in Providence, RI. Cavagnaro serves as assistant director of music and organist at Christ Church in Charlotte, NC. The competition at St. Paul’s K Street was organized by chapter treasurer Rob Church and St. Paul's music director, Dr. Jeffrey Smith. Most organ competitions focus on solo organ repertoire and not on what most organists do on Sunday mornings-- which is to accompany a choir and play hymns. An eight-member professional choir was engaged for the program. Judges were professor Thomas Murray, Dr. John Walker and Michael McCarthy of the National Cathedral. |